From Fpga4u
The goal of this section is to install the required tools to have a debug environment.
2 ways are possible:
- Eclipse/Yagarto and OpenOCD + USB/JTAG Amontec adapter, need an Amontec JTAG adapter. Install 2.1 to 2.7 tools.
- Eclipse/Yagarto to generate an hex files to download to FPGARM4U through the USB interface from the PC and SAM-BA tools. A serial adapter is useful for debugging. Install 2.2 to 2.6 and 2.8 tools.
Debug environment install process
Some applications need to have a path without space. A new folder will be created to contain those applications (e.g. C:\Apps). In this tutorial, its path will be PATH_APPS.
Note that every operation written in this guide has been executed on Windows XP.
OpenOCD (OCD : On chip debugger) is the debugger that is executed on the chip. Be warned that OpenOCD must be install in PATH_APPS\openocd.
Download the last version on the Yagarto OpenOCD web page, extract the content of the achive and execute the binary file.
The version 0.2.0 is used for this tutorial.
Yagarto GNU ARM Toolchain
Yagarto toolchain provides all the tools that are needed to compile a program (Binutils, Newlib, GCC, ...). Be warned that the toolchain must be install in PATH_APPS\yagarto.
Download the last version on the Yagarto home page and execute the binary file.
The version 2009-03-29 is used for this tutorial.
Yagarto tools
Yagarto tools provide programs such as make, configure, etc used to compile the future projects in Eclipse.
Download the last version on the Yagarto home page and execute the binary file. Install it in PATH_APPS\yagarto_tools.
The version 20070303 is used for this tutorial.
Java is used for running Eclipse.
Download the last version on the java download web page and execute the binary file.
The version 6 update 15 is used for this tutorial.
Eclipse is used as the default IDE. Here, we are only interested in C/C++ development, then choose : Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers. Be warned that it is preferable to install Eclipse in PATH_APPS\eclipse.
Download the last version on the eclipse download web page and extract the content of the archive to PATH_APPS\eclipse.
The version Galileo is used for this tutorial.
Zylin CDT
Zylin CDT is an Eclipse plugin which adds some embedded target debugging uses. New web site: "http://www.zylin.com/zylincdt/"
To install Zylin CDT, launch Eclipse. Then, click on the menu "Help" and choose "Install New Software...".
Enter the url "http://opensource.zylin.com/zylincdt" and click on the button "Add".
Enter the name "Zylin CDT".
Check the main checkbox, click twice on "Next", read and accept (if you agree) the license.
Finally, restart Eclipse.
Amontec JTAG key driver
The driver of the Amontec JTAG key has to be installed.
Download the last version on the Amontec JTAG key web page and execute the binary file. Install it in PATH_APPS instead of Program Files.
Then, plug the JTAG key in the computer. Tell the Windows Installer that:
- you want not use Windows Update;
- you want to install the driver from a list of specific location;
- the location is the installation location you entered before (e.g. PATH_APPS\amontec\jtagkey_utils_060307).
The version 06-03-07 is used for this tutorial.
SAM-BA and FPGARM4U driver
SAM-BA is used for loading programs on the FPGARM4U board, either for RAM execution or for FLASH execution. It also contains the driver for the FPGARM4U board.
Download the last version of AT91-ISP on the AT91SAM9263-EK web page, and install it in PATH_APPS.
Then, plug the FPGARM4U board with a USB cable A-B. Tell the Windows Installer that:
- you want not use Windows Update;
- you want to install the driver from a list of specific location;
- the location is "PATH_APPS\ATMEL Corporation\AT91-ISP v1.13\sam-ba 2.9\drv".
Reboot the computer at the end.
The version AT91-ISP v1.13 is used for this tutorial.
Configure the environment
Go to the associated pages.