SOPC Builder

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In this section, you will learn to use Quartus II, SOPC Builder and Nios II IDE to create your own system including a processor and multiple peripheral and to run a program on it.

  1. The first step to achieve that is to create a Quartus project. Give it a correct name and save your workspace.
  2. Open SOPC Builder.
  3. At the prompt, enter a name for your system.
  4. SOPC Builder will help you to compose your own system with a large hardware library (memory interfaces, timers, communication interfaces, etc). In this introduction you will only use the least possible components:
    • A CPU to execute your application.
    • Some on-chip memory to store your application and data.
    • A JTAG-Uart module to get some feedback.
  5. Insert some on-chip memory by double clicking on Memories and Memory Controllers -> On-Chip -> On-Chip Memory (RAM or ROM). A configuration window will pop up. In this window set the memory size to 16KBytes and click on Finish.
  6. Insert a Nios II processor (Processor -> Nios 2 Processor). In the configuration window, set the core type to Nios II/s, select the on-chip memory for the reset and exception vectors and click on Finish.
  7. Add a JTAG UART component (Interface Protocols -> Serial -> JTAG UART). In the configuration dialog, click on Finish.
  8. To avoid address overlapping, we will auto-assign the base addresses of our components. Click on System -> Auto-Assign Base Addresses.
  9. It is a good habit to specify what is the frequency of the external clock. Except if you are using a PLL it should be set to 24MHz.
    Clk 24.jpg
  10. Generate your system
next: Use your system with Quartus
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